Our kindergarten is offered as a five-day bilingual option (three days Spanish and two days English), or a three-day all-Spanish program. Our comprehensive curriculum incorporates all the fundamental skills students need to succeed in first grade! We have highly experienced Spanish and English teachers who share teaching responsibility by presenting a continuous curriculum in alternating languages. Our teachers at Spanish Schoolhouse Friendswood love sharing their native language with the children and teaching them about the cultural traditions they grew up with.
Based on the Texas Education Agency’s Kindergarten Standards (TEKS), our curriculum was developed by a team of Texas-certified instructors and exceeds all the state requirements, challenging our students to reach their highest potential. Our students transition confidently to elementary school and are well-prepared both academically and socially, as evidenced by parent feedback in our annual graduate surveys.
Areas of Focus
A well-rounded curriculum incorporates more than just early reading and math concepts. To ensure your child gets the most comprehensive preparation, we focus on each of the following important areas in Spanish and English. Students will have opportunities to explore, discover, analyze, and experience each area through hands-on activities.
- Reading – phonemic awareness, print concepts, reading strategies, letter identification
- Writing – letter formation, grip, spacing, punctuation, progression, orientation, and spacing (Handwriting Without Tears® program)
- Math – counting, comparing numbers, addition, subtraction, patterns, problem-solving, two and three-dimensional shapes
- Science – experimenting and making predictions, observing changes, sorting and classifying
- Social Studies – using maps, graphs and globes, understanding chronological order, understanding the exchange of money for goods and services
- Social Development – respect and cooperation, sharing, following rules and routines
- Spanish Language and Cultural Awareness – In addition to teaching all areas in Spanish/English, Spanish and Latin American music, dance, food, geography, and traditions permeate our curriculum. Our students embrace other cultures and celebrate diversity! Kindergarten students participate in all school-wide cultural events, including our twice-yearly Latin-themed shows
Spanish Schoolhouse ratios are well below the requirements of the state as well as other area private kindergartens. Our ratios allow teachers to build relationships with students and customize learning. The kindergarten ratio at Spanish Schoolhouse is 12:1.
Enrollment & Fees
Each year in February, we hold Open Registration online for the upcoming school year. Open Registration begins at 10 am and spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If a class is full, you will have the option to put your child on a waitlist. We will notify you if a spot becomes available for your child.
Enrollment throughout the school year may also be possible if space is available – please contact the school if interested.
Currently-enrolled families have the opportunity to register in advance during an Early Registration period in January.
Registration Fee: $ 230.00 (first student), $30.00 (additional students in same family)
Early Registration– January 18, 2023
Transfer Registration– January 30, 2023 & January 31, 2023
Open Registration-February 1, 2023
Kindergarten FAQs
How does your Kindergarten program work?
We offer a bilingual five-day Kindergarten program, which consists of three days in Spanish (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and two days in English (Tuesday, Thursday). We also offer a three-day Spanish- only program. Both programs are 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., with optional extended care.
Our number one goal for our Kindergarten students is to have them fully prepared for first grade. Our highly experienced, Spanish and English teachers share teaching responsibilities by presenting a continuous curriculum in alternating languages. This means that concepts taught in Spanish one day are not simply repeated in English the next day, but reinforced, built upon, and taken to the next level. All subjects (reading, writing, math, and science/social studies) are covered daily.
Whether it is an English day or a Spanish day, all students will experience a true Latin educational environment. This environment academically enriches the student, emphasizes manners, and nurtures the child.
If my child does not have any previous Spanish, will he be able to keep up?
Yes! We welcome new students to our kindergarten program. Our experience has shown that new students learn from and rise to the level of their classmates. The focus will be on the academic material being taught, as they gradually acquire confidence in Spanish. For the quickest and smoothest transition, we strongly recommend that students who are new to Spanish Schoolhouse enroll in the five-day program.
What curriculum do you teach?
The Spanish Schoolhouse kindergarten curriculum has been developed by a team of Texas-certified teachers to meet all the state requirements, but is taught at a higher level, challenging students to reach their highest potential. Creative lessons and small class sizes allow a personalized learning experience and increased opportunities for student participation. In addition, students are enriched by learning about the Latin culture and traditions, and they gain self-confidence as they speak, read, and write in Spanish and English.
My child turns five in September. Can he/she be in your kindergarten?
Texas public schools (and many private schools) allow enrollment into each grade level based on the Student’s age on September 1st. At Spanish Schoolhouse Friendswood, we encourage parents to enroll their children using the same guideline. In some cases, our schools can extend the cut-off to September 30th. Please contact the Director for more information.
How do I enroll my child?
When you are ready to enroll, create a family profile here, add your student(s) to the account, and then click “Enroll” to select your program! Each year, we hold open registration in early February for the upcoming school year. Enrollment during the school year is possible on a space-available basis.